Thursday, 21 October 2021

Welcome to our Dahlia Garden in Ottawa


Welcome to our Dahlia garden located in Ottawa Canada.

To care for Dahlias and to see their own joy as they mature, give themselves to the world, and return to their world of hibernation, is a wonder to experience. The bees too are attracted endlessly, until the cold descends and then many of them simply die in the dahlia of their choice. Is it drugs or beauty that end their short lives?

Winters here can be long and cold, but the changes of the seasons are no match for the changes one sees from the planting of seeds or the sprouting of a tuber, to the magnificent flowers they produce. A dear friend once asked me “why are they so beautiful .. they don’t have to be so beautiful“

In this blog, we will try to document these beauties of nature. Each one is as unique and wonderful as the next, just like the folks who will find and read this blog. 
This blog is organized by the name of the variety. The name used is the cultivar name listed in the ADS Classification Handbook if it is listed there, or the given name by the provider we received it from, or in the case of a hybrid, the name I've given it, or in the case where the variety is not named yet, it will be identified with three numbers, e.g. 
  • [year of seedling].[year of photo].[id number] 
  • (a hybrid seedling of 2018 in it's second year of growth) 
These names are sorted alphabetically.  

Near the end of the list, other topics are considered with the goal of helping you to grow your own.

Please note, that it is easy to enlarge a photo simply by clicking on it. Remember the next line to continue reading the blog... 

Click on any image to enlarge it. Click on the black background to return and continue reading.

Now most people might miss this, so here it is again:

Click on any image to enlarge it. Click on the black background to return and continue reading.


Donald & Richard