Showing posts with label Glenbank Twinkle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenbank Twinkle. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Glenbank Twinkle M C DB WH/L

 This flower was quite a surprise the first time it flowered. As you can see in the third picture below, the form of early flowers can be quite different than the form of flowers further up the stem.

This is the first time I've seen two distinct forms of flowers on the same plant.

The plant is classified as: M-C-DB-WH/L
 (medium size, Cactus form, Dark-Blend/white/Lavender

The plant is about 4 ft high and the stems are not very strong, so they can break in the rain. It is a lovely plant, and very showy. This year my bulbs are quite weak and am I now babying them in my raised bed until they get leaves big enough to plant ( June 5).